Selasa, 01 November 2011

“Sorry” continues to impact the European Top 20

“Sorry” continues to impact the European Top 20


(Nashville, TN – 11/02/2011) Fort Wayne, Indiana based country music duo Allan & Ashcraft have started to gain traction in the Midwest with their new single “Cornfields” from their recently release self-titled, debut EP.

The song has already been added onto playlists and into rotation in their home state of Indiana and has also started earning airplay in Michigan, Illinois and now in Tennessee.

“Cornfields” is written by hit songwriters Rodney Clawson, Billy Montana and Chris Tompkins and focuses lyrically on the celebration of the Mid-America country living and lifestyle while featuring toe-tapping rhythms and a catchy, get stuck in your head melody.

While “Cornfields” is earning the duo attention stateside, they also continue to make a huge impact overseas in Europe. Their country crossover version of Buck Cherry’s hit song “Sorry” continues to stay on the Top 20 charts and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down its momentum as it continues to earn spins with each passing week.

“Sorry” is the next domestic single being planned for early 2012.

For more information, and to hear music from the debut EP, please visit Allan & Ashcraft on the web at:

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